Monday, July 9, 2012

4th World Ecotourism Conference 2012, 2-5 September 2012, S. Korea

4th World Ecotourism Conference 2012 

2nd   to  5th September 2012
Goyang, Gyeonggi, Korea (south)

The World Ecotourism Conference endorsed by the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) is an excellent opportunity for the ecotourism fraternity to collaborate, connect and contribute with fellow eminent ecotourism players.

KEYNOTES  :  Ecotourism for Global Peace

The dynamism and energy of travel knows no borders or dimensions. Every journey is an awakening of life and its diversity. Every place on earth is a destination waiting to be explored. It contributes to cultural understanding through the sights, sounds, colours and taste of cultures and communities.
The massive movement and interaction of people in over 200 countries and sovereign states play an important role in promoting international understanding, friendship and peace. The establishment of transboundary conservation or protected areas (peace parks) between neighbouring countries supports ecotourism for sustainable economic development, conservation of biodiversity and regional peace and stability.

SESSION 1  :  The Power of Ecotourism
Tourism creates jobs and economic growth but beyond the economics, tourism nations are true purveyors of peace allowing free and peaceful flow of citizens across borders distributing social and economic benefits as global ambassadors. However with the power to travel, comes responsibility. The responsibility to respect the cultural and political sensitivity of the peoples, the sustainability of places and destinations, the conservation of nature and wildlife and the safety and security of tourists. With good governance based on principles of global sustainable tourism and ecotourism, sustainable development and international goodwill is achieved.

SESSION 2  :  Ecotourism Initiatives and Success Stories
"Knowing is not enough, you must apply. Willing is not enough, you must do". You will have the rare privilege to learn from tourism policy makers and natural resource managers the initiatives they took to address challenging issues in ecotourism development, management and marketing.
Practitioners and professionals will present the lessons learned, practical solutions and success stories in their ecotourism based endeavours to achieve financial and ecological sustainability in 4 scenarios - place, destination, region and global. 

SESSION 3  : Market Trends and Innovation in Ecotourism
Is ecotourism and conservation a paradox? Is urban ecotourism an oxymoron? Does the definition of ecotourism actually promotes green-washing? Ecotourism trends have transformed in the last 10 years, from viewing pristine nature to engaging "living cultures"; from tourist travellers to volunteering visitors; from ecotourism travel to sustainable tourism planning and from place-based regulations to responsible travel.
Innovation is said to be the key driver to success. Can innovation emerge on the back of changing trends and advancing technologies in renewable and clean energy, sanitation and communications? Would market trends and innovation be the keys to mainstreaming ecotourism?

SESSION 4  :  Ecotourism Best Practices and Recommendations
Set within the context of the UNWTO's 12 Aims of Sustainable Tourism, and building on UNWTO's knowledge and leadership in ecotourism, a study was initiated utilising the established Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria (GSTC) to illustrate the practical application of ecotourism principles to ecotourism business operations.
Drawing on the practices and experiences of ecotourism organizations and private companies in the Asia Pacific region and national ecotourism initiatives, this session provides specific case studies demonstrating ecotourism in practice and illustrates how tourism operators are aiming to meet the principles of sustainable tourism, as benchmarked against the GSTC.

Organized by: Gyeonggi Tourism Organisation and Ecotourism Korea
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 1st August 2012



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