Monday, July 23, 2012

IFMA's Industrial Spotlight, 10 Aug 2012, Hong Kong

IFMA's Industrial Spotlight (10 Aug 2012)
Organic Waste Management
Friday, 10 August 2012, 18:45 - 20:00
Venue:UR1, SCOPE Admiralty Learning Centre, 8/F United Centre, Admiralty, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2512 0111 or Email:

Programme Highlights:
(1)   What is and what isn’t composting.
(2)   Why on-site composting is a good solution for organic waste treatment in Hong Kong.
(3)   What is required for having a successful composting operation.
(4)   Application of organic waste management and successful cases sharing.

Mr. Abdon Beitia, KCS Engineering

Mr. Beitia has had firsthabd experience in waste sorting and composting from a very young age. Already in 1982, when composting was unheard of in Spain ar almost anywhere in Europe, KOLLVIK Recycling, s.l. started developing on-site composters, and the family’s home became a sort of test field for waste sorting and different solutions.

With the introduction in the 1990’s of new European Directives on waste handling calling for the closure of landfills, local governments became more aware that proper waste handling and recycling plans are essentials to comply with new legislation and protect the environment. This pushed Kollvik Recycling, S.L. to include in its scope consulting activities related to waste management in small communities, towns and companies.

As a result Mr. Beitia participated in both surveying, planning, drafting and implementing waste handling plans for small size cities (20.000 pop.) in Spain, mainly in the Basque Country, as well as in France (Pyrenees Atlantiques) and for companies like Carrefour, Auchan, IKEA, Acuidoro etc.

For 2003 onwards Mr. Baitia moved to China to pursue his own interests and business, however in 2011, when the market became more receptive to new waste handling methods he moved to Hong King and set up KCS Engineering to promote the family’s products and services in Asia. In all Mr. Beitia has over 20 years professional experience in composting operations and waste related consulting.

1 hour

Registration Fee-    IFMA HK Members/ Corporate Sponsors/ CityU SCOPE Students/ HKCT Students/ HKU SPACE Students/ PolyU Students: FREE Admission
-    Supporting Organizations: HK$50
-    Non-members: HK$100

Venue Sponsor
UR1, SCOPE Admiralty Learning Centre, 8/F United Centre, Admiralty, Hong Kong (download the map)

Event FlyerClick HERE to download.


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