Thursday, April 12, 2012

Low Carbon Energy Future – Good news, Bad news and the Best route forward, 2 May 2012

Low Carbon Energy Future – Good news, Bad news and the Best route forward
With CO2 emissions at record highs and demand for energy surging, the International Energy Agency has warned that dangerous climate change will be “locked in” by 2017. Dr Julia King, the UK’s Low Carbon Business Ambassador, will present the latest news on the urgency of de-carbonizing energy production and consumption. A panel of experts will then offer commentary on whether Asia, and China in particular, can rise to the challenge of clean energy — in time.

This event is co-organized by Business Environment Council, Civic Exchange and Climate Change Business Forum.

10.30am Registration
11.00am Welcome & Introduction
11.05am Keynote: Low Carbon Energy Future
11.45am Panel: Asian Perspective
12.15pm Q&A
12.45pm Close

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