Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Inaugural AsiaEngage Event – Regional Conference on Higher Education-Industry-Community Engagement in Asia. Forging Meaningful Partnerships

The Regional Conference on Higher Education-Community-Industry Engagement: Forging Meaningful Partnerships across ASEAN & Asia that will take place at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM or The National University of Malaysia) on the 7th to 9th May 2012.

This Conference aims to bring together diverse practitioners from academia, industries, non-governmental organizations, government agencies, foundations who are passionate about university-community-industry engagement for regional development.

The Conference is organized by AsiaEngage, a brand name created to maximize the strengths of the Asia-Talloires Network of Industry and Community Engaged Universities (ATNEU), the ASEAN University Network (AUN) Thematic Network on University Social Responsibility and Sustainability (AUN-USR&S) and the ASEAN Youth Volunteer Programme (AYVP).  Both these networks and programme leverage on exchange of expertise, knowledge and experience in community engagement to benefit communities across ASEAN and Asia. Initiated and driven by UKM through its Office of Industry and Community Partnerships (Hal Ehwal Jaringan Industri dan Masyarakat or HEJIM) and supported by Malaysia’s Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE), AsiaEngage is the regional community-industry engagement brand of ATNEU, AUN USR&S, AYVP and its member-universities.

Website: http://conference2012.asiaengage.org/


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