Wednesday, April 4, 2012

[China Updates] 2012 National Teleconference on Special Environmental Protection Campaigns on Cracking down the Enterprises with Environmental Infringements and Safeguarding Public Health Held in Beijing

2012 National Teleconference on Special Environmental Protection Campaigns on Cracking down the Enterprises with Environmental Infringements and Safeguarding Public Health Held in Beijing

"Ministry of Environmental Protection, NDRC, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Supervision, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, State Administration for Industry and Commerce, State Administration of Work Safety and State Electricity Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the nine departments of the State Council) jointly held a teleconference in Beijing on March 20 to make arrangements for 2012 national special environmental protection campaigns on cracking down the enterprises that discharge pollutants against the law and ensuring public health. MEP Minister Zhou Shengxian on behalf of the nine departments of the State Council presented the mobilization speech. He pointed out that we should take strong measures to address preeminent environmental problems affecting public health and sustainable development such as heavy metals pollution and safeguard public environmental rights and interests and social harmony and stability. "......

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