Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Local Seminar on EIA for Sustainable and Quality Living, 17 April, 2012

EIA for Sustainable and Quality Living


The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Environmental Division Annual Seminar
Date:17 Apr 2012
Time: 08:45 - 17:30
Theatre II, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre
1 Expo Drive, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Event Rationale:

Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) identifies the potential impacts of plans, programmes, projects or strategic policies in the early planning stages. This includes evaluation of alternatives or mitigation measures.  With stakeholder engagement, EIA has been widely adopted in many developed cities like Hong Kong as a valuable tool to integrate environmental considerations into relevant perspectives of plans, programmes, projects, or strategic policies at the early stage.  Through this, we will move towards a more sustainable path of development and build a quality living environment.

In this context, the HKIE Environmental Division has organized an Annual Seminar with the theme of “Environmental Impact Assessment for Sustainable and Quality Living” aims to provide a platform for practising engineers, academics, managers and other professionals to share their valuable experience, views and know-how to adopt workable EIA on building a sustainable future and quality living .

More information, including contact information, registration form, event fees and detailed programme at event websites:


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