Monday, March 12, 2012

Wildlife & Conservation Student Conference, 26 May 2012

Date: 26 May 2012
Venue: Beijing, China

The Conservation Action and Theory Society of the Wildlife Institute (WI CATS) is organizing the first annual Wildlife & Conservation Student Conference at Beijing Forestry University on Saturday, May 26th. This event aims to raise awareness about conservation among Chinese students and provide a forum for young researchers to divulgate their findings on related topics. This conference will be the opportunity to bring together and share the latest research on wildlife conservation, including applied ecology, zoology, human-wildlife conflicts and community conservation. This initiative will provide a valuable platform for better and efficient communication as well as help young conservation scientists in China to learn new ideas, build professional networks, gain experience in disseminating results of their own research, develop their English presentation skills and approach discussions. An experience that will be valuable for their future careers!

What is the theme of the conference?
This year’s conference will focus on “Conservation in China: present and future challenges” and we are interested in receiving proposals addressing this issue. We would like to encourage university students in China (undergraduate and postgraduate) to participate by making a 15-minute presentation, 5-minute speed presentation or creating a poster.

Who will attend?
The conference expects to attract approximately 200 people, including students in Beijing, university staff, staff from conservation organizations and individuals interested in the topics discussed. The conference will be held over 1 day and will offer student presentations across one morning and one afternoon session. We will also have a guest speaker who will give a talk for 30 minutes before the closing of the conference. Awards will be given to the best speaker and the best poster. In addition a range of short activities and interactive discussions will take place throughout the event.

For more information:


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