Thursday, March 29, 2012

New Publication: Adaptation in Russian Climate Governance by Maria Rakkolainen and Monica Tennberg

Governing the Uncertain
2012, Part 2, 39-54, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-3843-0_3

Adaptation in Russian Climate Governance
by Maria Rakkolainen and Monica Tennberg

This chapter presents and discusses the practices of Russian adaptation governance. Climate policy in the country has long considered a changing climate to be a natural phenomenon, not a human-caused problem, and it is only recently that this view has started to change on the official level. Hazardous events caused by the warming climate, such as floods and permafrost degradation, as well as the economic losses resulting from such events, are defined as major national and economic concerns. Most of the current governance efforts focus on emergency response; national plans for pro-active adaptation are only just in the making. The chapter discusses a pilot project to develop an adaptation strategy for the Murmansk region. Russian adaptation governance suffers from the same problems as Russian environmental governance in general: a lack of the material, intellectual and organisational resources needed to tackle the issues and implement concrete plans of action.

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