Monday, March 19, 2012

Call for papers: International Conference: Innovative Research in a Changing and Challenging World, 16-18 May, 2012

Date: 16 -18 May, 2012
Venue: Thailand

About the conference

Traditionally research has been rigidly confined to a single academic discipline. This is important for maintaining its research vigour. However it can also create a discourse of research hegemony which can stiffen creativity and innovation. This conference promotes diversity and unity in research on an interdiciplinary basis. Phuket is chosen as our meeting place for sharing innovative research in a changing and challenging world.

Conference themes

  • Conducting research in an intercultural context;
  • Competing discourses of research;
  • Research methodology issues;
  • Challenges in conducting research in an interdisciplinary context;
  • Language,literacy and communication in educational research;
  • Health and environment issues in research;
  • Science education research;
  • Challenges to translating theory into research;
  • Ethical issues in conducting research;
  • Cogintive and affective dimensions in research;
  • Research and social empowerment;
  • Management issues in research;
  • Innovative ideas and practices in educational research;
  • Cultural and linguistic issues in conducting research;
  • Technologies: new frontiers in research;
  • Discourse analysis and critical discourse analysis in research; and
  • Research and globalisation.

Please prepare your manuscripts according to the template and styles provided by the Journal. The manuscript should be sent to the Editor at: and send a copy to

Abstract Submission cloing date: 31 March 2012



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