Friday, March 30, 2012

22nd Annual IFAMA World Forum and Symposium, June 11-14, 2012

22nd Annual IFAMA World Forum and Symposium

"The Road to 2050: The China Factor"

Date: 11 to 14 June 2012
Venue: Shanghai, China

This event provides a unique opportunity for industry leaders from all parts of the agribusiness chain to learn, explore, and discuss issues that are critical importance to the current and future health of the global food system.

Organized by: International Food and Agribusiness Management
Association (IFAMA)

Deadline for abstracts/proposals: Not available.


Call for Papers to NCPAG@60 International Conference, 27-29 June 2012

Call for Papers to NCPAG@60 International Conference

The National College of Public Administration and Governance , University of the Philippines (NCPAG-UP) invites you to participate in an international conference as part of its 60th anniversary celebration. With the theme “Public Administration and Governance: Tradition and Transformation,” the conference will be held on 27-29 June 2012 at the EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila, Philippines.

The sub-themes and corresponding panels of the Conference are:

1) Public Administration and Governance Education

Panel 1-a: Pedagogy, Tradition, and Emerging Challenges in PA Education

Panel 1-b: Distance Education, E-Learning, and Other Innovations

Panel 1-c: Challenges to Administrative Thought

2) Excellence, Professionalization, Innovation, and Transformation

Panel 2-a: Ecology, Environment, Climate Change, and Public Policy

Panel 2-b: Public Sector Reforms and Best Practices

Panel 2-c: Citizenship and Civil Society in Governance

3) Public Administration Today and in the Future.

Panel 3-a: Human Rights, Human Development , Democratization and the MDGs

Panel 3-b: PA and International Covenants and Convention and the Right to Development

Panel 3-c: Local Governance

There shall be plenary sessions during the morning and simultaneous panels in the afternoon. Poster presentations shall also be running parallel to the morning and afternoon sessions.

For those interested to present papers, the deadline for the submission of abstracts via email is 30 November 2011. Notification of acceptance will be sent by 31 January 2012. The full papers for accepted abstracts are due on 30 April 2012.

The NCPAG-UP will be unable to fund transportation expenses and daily allowances for paper presenters and participants. The Organizing Committee has negotiated with EDSA Shangri-La Hotel for a discounted rate of P6,500/P7,200 for single/double accommodation. Participants may directly contact the hotel about their flight details. Other hotels that are near the conference venue are: The Linden Suites, Discovery Suites, The Malayan Plaza, and Richmonde Hotel.

Registration fee for local participants is PhP6,000 and for international participants is US$250.00.

For participants of countries requiring visa to the Philippines, please email enp.gamboa@yahoo.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it so that the Conference Organizing Committee can send an official invitation to facilitate your visa application.
For more inforamtion:

Thursday, March 29, 2012

New Publication: Confronting the Challenge of Energy Governance by Neil Gunningham

Transnational Environmental Law, Page 1 of 17 2012 Cambridge University Press

Transnational Environmental Law
ISSN: 2047-1025 EISSN: 2047-1033

Confronting the Challenge of Energy Governance by Neil Gunningham

Climate and Environmental Governance Network, College of Asia Pacific’s Regulatory Institutions Network (REGNET), and Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. Email:

There is a compelling argument for developing a low carbon emissions trajectory to mitigate climate change and for doing so urgently. What is needed is a transformation of the energy sector and an ‘energy revolution’. Such a revolution can only be achieved through effective energy governance nationally, regionally, and globally. But frequently such governance is constrained by the tensions between energy security, climate change mitigation and energy poverty. At national level, there is a chasm between what is needed and what governments do ‘on the ground’, while regionally and globally, collective action challenges have often presented insurmountable obstacles. The article examines what forms of energy law, regulation and governance are most needed to overcome these challenges and whether answers are most likely to be found in hierarchy, markets, or networks.

For more information:

New Publication: Adaptation in Russian Climate Governance by Maria Rakkolainen and Monica Tennberg

Governing the Uncertain
2012, Part 2, 39-54, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-3843-0_3

Adaptation in Russian Climate Governance
by Maria Rakkolainen and Monica Tennberg

This chapter presents and discusses the practices of Russian adaptation governance. Climate policy in the country has long considered a changing climate to be a natural phenomenon, not a human-caused problem, and it is only recently that this view has started to change on the official level. Hazardous events caused by the warming climate, such as floods and permafrost degradation, as well as the economic losses resulting from such events, are defined as major national and economic concerns. Most of the current governance efforts focus on emergency response; national plans for pro-active adaptation are only just in the making. The chapter discusses a pilot project to develop an adaptation strategy for the Murmansk region. Russian adaptation governance suffers from the same problems as Russian environmental governance in general: a lack of the material, intellectual and organisational resources needed to tackle the issues and implement concrete plans of action.

For more information:

New Publication: Toward Enabling and Inclusive Global Environmental Governance by Navroz K. Dubash

Toward Enabling and Inclusive Global Environmental Governance Navroz K. Dubash1

Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, India

Navroz K. Dubash, Centre for Policy Research, Dharma Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110016, India Email: ndubash@gmail.c

Published online before print February 23, 2012, doi: 10.1177/1070496511435550 The Journal of Environment Development March 2012 vol. 21 no. 1 48-51    



Sustainable development has always been a compromise formulation that papered over real conflict between environment and development. Twenty years after Rio, the geopolitical climate is far less conducive to easy compromises. Given an embattled North and a rising South, particularly Asia, the language of zero sum conflict rather than positive sum cooperation is likely to prevail. Green growth offers one way to paper over these conflicts yet again, but it would be prudent to resist this temptation. There is incomplete buy-in to the green growth story, and some in the South are also concerned that this narrative will downgrade poverty alleviation and equity considerations from the sustainable development triad of environment, growth and distribution. In this context, Rio+20 can play a positive role by focusing on national and sub-national institutions and embracing a diversity of national political, institutional and legal contexts; seeking to impose uniformity is likely to chafe. Global efforts can play a supporting role by inducing normative change, stimulate national processes, and provide hooks for domestic policy actors. In addition, Rio+20 should ensure that inclusion of the weakest should remain firmly on the agenda. While the conversations may be difficult, Rio+20 will be most productive if it leads to engagement with fraught geopolitical issues than if, once again, these are papered over.

For more information:
For full text:

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Green Opportunities in China: Clean Development Mechanism, 30 March, 2012 (Friday)

Business Environment Council 商界環保協會

Event Date:30 March, 2012 (Friday)
Event Time:12:30pm to 2:00pm
Venue:The Mira Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui
Contact:Ms Looby Ho

As a member of the Hong Kong Business Coalition on the Environment (BCE), Business Environment Council is happy to be a supporting partner of a luncheon featuring a talk on – Green Opportunities in China: Clean Development Mechanism by Madam SUN Cuihua, Deputy Director of the Department of Climate Change, National Development and Reform Commission, China. The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (HKGCC) is the luncheon’s organizer.

Price BEC members: $580 per person (please indicate you are a BEC member when you submit the registration form)
Non BEC member: $680 per person

Language Putonghua (with English simultaneous interpretation)

For further information, please click here.

Global Meet on Determinants of Sustainable Development: Road to Rio+20, 18 to 20 May 2012

Date: 18 to 20 May 2012
Venue: Dhaka, Bangladesh

The goal of the Road to Rio+20 meet is to create awareness and interests amongst the global key actors on the importance of health to be included as one of the policy agendas in the global summit in view to contribute to establish health justice throughout the world with a  special reference to Bangladesh.

The objective of this global meet is to initiate a global campaign ‘Voice for Health’ (Green Earth, Healthy Earth) – to focus on the centrality of Health to Sustainable Development and across the board of development issues.

Organized by: Eminence
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: Not available.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

International Conference of China's Environmental Governance

International Conference of China's Environmental Governance (June 2-3, Beijing, China)


China’s environment has drawn great concerns in recent decades as the country rapidly catches up in industrialization and modernization. This booming economy, however, has come alongside with an environmental crisis, which affects not only the livelihood of the Chinese citizens and the survival of the regime, but also the relationship between China and the rest of the world. In the past decades, Chinese government has been striking to address the issue through various channels, but the outcomes have not yet been fully assessed and understood.

This conference aims to draw the best experts in this field in order to stimulate the discussion and improve our understanding of the issue for better research and policy decisions in the future. Scholars and practitioners across disciplines are invited to submit papers and panels following the themes listed below:
1.      Environment in China: status, change, and future
2.      Environmental Governance: dynamics, obstacles, and strategies
3.      Environmental Impact Assessment: decision-making and public participation
4.      Firms, Laws and Regulations: enforcement and compliance
5.      Environment, Growth, and Social Development
6.      Environmental Politics: actors, interests and institutions
7.      Environmental Protests, Movements, and Non-governmental Organizations (ENGOs): confrontation and collaboration
8.      Globalization and Political Economy of Chinese Environment
9.      Environmental Conflict and Cooperation: China and the world
For more information:

(10-11 Apr) 持久性有機污染物 - 斯德哥爾摩公約履約進展及挑戰研討會

持久性有機污染物 - 斯德哥爾摩公約履約進展及挑戰 研討會



香港浸會大學逸夫校園夏利萊博士及夫人演講廳 (WLB104)

New Book: The Ethics of Japan's Global Environmental Policy by Midori Kagawa-Fox

The Ethics of Japan's Global Environmental Policy : The conflict between principles and practice
By Midori Kagawa-Fox

Published 19th January 2012 by Routledge – 208 pages

This book examines the Japanese government policies that impact on the environment in order to determine whether they incorporate a sufficient ethical substance. Through the three case studies on whaling, nuclear energy, and forestry, the author explores how Western philosophers combined their theories to develop a ‘Western environmental ethics code’ and reveals the existence of a unique ‘Japanese environmental ethics code’ built on Japan’s cultural traditions, religious practices, and empirical experiences.

Kagawa-Fox’s discussions show that in spite of the positive contributions that Japan has made towards the global environment, the government has failed to show a corresponding moral obligation to the world ecology in its environmental policy. The book argues that this is a result of the integrity of the policies having been compromised by vested interests and that Japanese business and politics ensure that the policies are primarily focused on maintaining sustainable economic growth. Whilst Japan's global environmental initiatives are the key to its economic survival in the 21st century, and these initiatives may achieve their aims, they do however fail the Japanese code of environmental ethics.

This book is essential reading for anyone interested in Environmental Studies, Environmental Policy and Ethics, Japanese Politics and Japanese Culture and Society.


New Book: Environmental Policy Paradox, The, 6/E by Zachary A. Smith

Environmental Policy Paradox, The, 6/E
by Zachary A. Smith, Northern Arizona University

ISBN-10: 0205855881
ISBN-13:  9780205855889
Publisher:  Pearson
Copyright:  2013
Format:  Paper; 368 pp
Published:  02/15/2012
Status: Instock

Description The Environmental Policy Paradox provides an introduction to the policy making process in the United States with regard to air, water, land use, agriculture, energy, and waste disposal, while introducing students to both global and international environmental issues and institutions.
The text explains why some environmental ideas shape policy while others do not, and illustrates that even when the best short- and long-term solutions to environmental problems are identified, the task of implementing these solutions is often left undone or is completed too late. Students are presented with a comprehensive history of the environmental movement paired with the most up-to-date account of environmental policy available today.

New Book: A Handbook of Globalisation and Environmental Policy: National Government Interventions in a Global Arena Edited by Frank Wijen, Kees Zoeteman and Jan Pieters

A Handbook of Globalisation and Environmental Policy: National Government Interventions in a Global Arena Edited by Frank Wijen, Kees Zoeteman and Jan Pieters
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd
Published: 12 February 2012
Format: Hardback 800 pages
ISBN 13: 9781849803120 ISBN 10: 1849803129

Description Acclaim for the first edition:
‘This is undoubtedly a useful collection of essays for environmental policymakers and anyone interested in the relationship between national government and transnational forces. . . the collection brings together some interesting perspectives and should prove a useful complement to the existing political sociology of the environment.’
– International Sociology – Review of Books


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Call for papers: BIT’s 1st Annual World Congress of Biodiversity-2012 (BioD-2012)

Date: April 25-28, 2012
Venue: Xian, China

BIT Life Sciences and Organizing Committee are organizing the 1st Annual World Congress of Biodiversity-2012 (BioD-2012) which will be held during April 25-28, 2012, Xi’an, China, which is designed to offer a platform for promoting international exchanges and strengthening cooperation in science and technology involved in Biodiversity, which offered excellent opportunities for participants to get the lasted research progress, seek cooperation and gain the new ideas through the communicate with international experts. The congress with a theme of “Today Eco-civilization, Tomorrow Happiness” will be held during April 25-28, 2012, Xi’an, China. On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to inform you that we welcome you to give a speech in our conference.

Deadline for abstract submission: 31/03/2012


Friday, March 23, 2012

The UC Solar Institute — Research Collaboration for a Solar Energy Future, 26 March 2012

Title: The UC Solar Institute — Research Collaboration for a Solar Energy Future
Speaker: Professor Roland WinstonDate: 26 March 2012
Time: 4:00pm (Tea and Coffee); 4:30pm ( Lecture)
Venue: Peter Ho Lecture Theatre (LT10), 4/F Academic 1, City University of Hong Kong

For more information:

Thursday, March 22, 2012

New Book: Feeling the Heat: The Politics of Climate Policy in Rapidly Industrializing Countries (Energy, Climate and the Environment) Edited by Ian Bailey and Hugh Compston

Feeling the Heat: The Politics of Climate Policy in Rapidly Industrializing Countries (Energy, Climate and the Environment) Edited by Ian Bailey and Hugh Compston

Publisher: Palgrave MacMillan
Published: 27 March 2012
Format: Hardback 264 pages
Categories: Globalization | Central Government Policies | Diplomacy | Global Warming
ISBN 13: 9780230280403 ISBN 10: 0230280404

If dangerous climate change is to be avoided, greenhouse gas emissions will have to be brought under control in emerging major emitters such as China, India, Russia and Brazil. What are the political obstacles to climate policy in these countries? What political strategies can their governments use to strengthen climate policies without incurring serious political damage? Building on its predecessor volume, Turning Down the Heat: The Politics of Climate Policy in Affluent Democracies (Palgrave Macmillan 2008), this book includes contributions on the scientific, economic and international dimensions of climate change and climate policy. The authors describe the nature and sources of greenhouse gas emissions, the history of climate policies, and the political strategies employed by governments before conclusions are drawn about the main political obstacles facing industrializing countries on climate policy and how these might be overcome.
For more information:

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Organized Climate Change Denial: The Role of the American Conservative Movement

Date: 23 March 2012 (Friday)
Time: 2:30 to 4:00 p.m.
Venue: LT-8, Blue Zone, 4/F, Academic 1, City University of Hong Kong

Monday, March 19, 2012

Environmental seminar on “Choosing the Right Electricity Fuel Mix for Hong Kong in an Age of Climate Change”

Sino-Forest Applied Research Centre for Pearl River Delta Environment (ARCPE) of Hong Kong Baptist University is going to organize an environmental seminar on “Choosing the Right Electricity Fuel Mix for Hong Kong in an Age of Climate Change” with the following details:

Date: 24th April, 2012 (Tuesday)
Venue: The Wing Lung Bank Building for Business Studies WLB205, Shaw Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University.
Time: 17:00 - 18:30

For more information:

Call for papers: International Conference: Innovative Research in a Changing and Challenging World, 16-18 May, 2012

Date: 16 -18 May, 2012
Venue: Thailand

About the conference

Traditionally research has been rigidly confined to a single academic discipline. This is important for maintaining its research vigour. However it can also create a discourse of research hegemony which can stiffen creativity and innovation. This conference promotes diversity and unity in research on an interdiciplinary basis. Phuket is chosen as our meeting place for sharing innovative research in a changing and challenging world.

Conference themes

  • Conducting research in an intercultural context;
  • Competing discourses of research;
  • Research methodology issues;
  • Challenges in conducting research in an interdisciplinary context;
  • Language,literacy and communication in educational research;
  • Health and environment issues in research;
  • Science education research;
  • Challenges to translating theory into research;
  • Ethical issues in conducting research;
  • Cogintive and affective dimensions in research;
  • Research and social empowerment;
  • Management issues in research;
  • Innovative ideas and practices in educational research;
  • Cultural and linguistic issues in conducting research;
  • Technologies: new frontiers in research;
  • Discourse analysis and critical discourse analysis in research; and
  • Research and globalisation.

Please prepare your manuscripts according to the template and styles provided by the Journal. The manuscript should be sent to the Editor at: and send a copy to

Abstract Submission cloing date: 31 March 2012


Sunday, March 18, 2012

[Korea Updates] MOE to establish network for sustainable tourism of Asia-Pacific region

Date: 2012.03.15

The Ministry of Environment (MOE) is taking a step forward in establishing the network for sustainable tourism of Asia-Pacific region. The ministry held the ‘UNEP Global Partnership for Sustainable Tourism Symposium and the 2nd Annual Conference’ for three days, from 12 to 14, for the first time in Asia.
The topic of the symposium and the 2nd annual conference was ‘Sustainable Tourism, Panorama of the last ten years’ and under the topic, various programs were held including the global partnership symposium, the 2nd annual conference and DMZ eco-tour, etc.
Over 250 attendees from all over the world participated in the event. In particular, 19 attendees were from 11 Asian regions, showing their great interest in sustainable tourism. ......

SETAC Asia Pacific 2012, September 24-27, 2012


  • Conference Name:
  • SETAC Asia Pacific 2012 Meeting
    "Learning from History and Applying Advancing Science to Build a Safer and Sustainable Environment"

  • Dates (Tentative):
  • Mon., September 24 to Thu., September 27, 2012

  • Venue:
  • ANA Hotel Kumamoto New Sky

  • Number of Participants Anficipated:
  • Approximately 500-600 participants

  • Co-organizers:
  • National Institute for Minamata Disease, Japan Society for Environmental Chemistry, Japanese Society of Environmental Toxicology, Japan Society on Water Environment, Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment (TBD)

  • Supporters:
  • Ministry of the Environment (TBD), Kumamoto Prefecture, Kumamoto City (TBD), Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research, Prefectural University of Kumamoto

  • Key Organizers:
  • SETAC Asia Pacific Geographical Unit
    Japanese Society for Environmental Chemistry
    Prefectural University of Kumamoto

  • Conference / Exhibition Secretariat:Arizono Laboratory
    Faculty of Environmental and Symbiotic Sciences
    Prefectural University of Kumamoto
    3-1-100, Tsukide, Kumamoto 862-8502, Japan
    Tel & Fax: +81-96-383-6062 E-mail:

  • Website:

    Thursday, March 15, 2012

    [Japan Updates] Economic Survey of Environmental Industries in December 2011

    The MOE announced the results of its official survey of environmental industry, "Economic Survey of Environmental Industries in December 2011."

    The result showed that business confidence remained at about the same level as the previous survey.

    To the question on environmental business in the Tohoku region, which was severely affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, companies showed broad interests in environmental businesses, such as renewable energy, and remediation and clean-up of soil and water.

    The survey is scheduled to be conducted every 6 months and its regular report is to be announced accordingly.

    For more information:

    Tuesday, March 13, 2012

    New Publication: National Park Development in China: Conservation or Commercialization?

    National Park Development in China: Conservation or Commercialization?
    Guangyu Wang, John L. Innes, Sara W. Wu, Judi Krzyzanowski, Yongyuan Yin, Shuanyou Dai, Xiaoping Zhang and Sihui Liu

    Abstract The rapid development of parks and ecotourism in China has attracted worldwide attention, not only for the beauty of the landscape that the parks are protecting but also for their abundant and often unique biodiversity. However, in some areas, the development of ecotourism has actually led to the degradation of local ecological, economic, and social systems. Using National Forest Parks for demonstration, this article analyzes the current political, institutional, legal, environmental, and economic issues concerning National Parks in China, and examines their potential future development. Although the intention of National Park systems in China is to raise environmental quality, and to protect biodiversity and social livelihoods, their success has varied. Future success will be measured by their capacity to reduce poverty, to promote long-term rehabilitation of wildlife habitats, and to simultaneously protect Chinese culture and biodiversity.

    For more information:
    For full text:

    New Publication: Governing International Advocacy NGOs

    Governing International Advocacy NGOs
    L. David Brown (Harvard University, Cambridge, USA)
    Alnoor Ebrahim (Harvard Business School, Boston, USA)
    Srilatha Batliwala (Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID), Bangalore, India)
    Accepted 8 November 2011. Available online 20 January 2012.

    International advocacy NGOs (IANGOs) are increasingly important actors in the international arena. This paper provides a comparative analysis of the cases of ten IANGOs that operate in diverse advocacy contexts, including development, environment, governance, human rights, and constituent support. It examines the patterns of governance, organizational architecture, and advocacy effectiveness across the cases and generates six propositions that link governance, architecture, accountability, legitimacy, and effectiveness for such organizations.

    For full text and more information:

    Monday, March 12, 2012

    New Book: The Environmental Rights Revolution: A Global Study of Constitutions, Human Rights and the Environment (Law and Society) By David R. Boyd

    The Environmental Rights Revolution: A Global Study of Constitutions, Human Rights and the Environment (Law and Society)  By David R. Boyd

    Publisher: University of British Columbia Press
    Published: 15 February 2012
    Format: Hardback 352 pages
    ISBN 13: 9780774821605 ISBN 10: 0774821604

    About the Book 
    The right to a healthy environment has been the subject of extensive philosophical debates that revolve around a key question, Should rights to clean air, water, and soil be entrenched in law, in the constitutions of democratic states?

    In The Environmental Rights Revolution, David Boyd, one of Canada's leading environmental lawyers, answers this question by moving beyond theoretical debate to measure the practical effects of enshrining the right to a healthy environment in constitutions. His analysis of 193 constitutions and the laws and court decisions of more than 100 nations shows how the constitutional right to a healthy environment has been incorporated in legislation and is being judicially enforced in Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Africa. Nations with constitutional protections have stronger environmental laws, enhanced enforcement, greater government accountability, and better access to justice, information, and public participation in decision making than nations without such provisions. As a result, they also have smaller ecological footprints, rank higher on comprehensive indices of environmental performance, and have reduced pollution faster.

    This important and timely book not only demonstrates that enshrining environmental protection into national constitutions has the power to make sustainability a priority, it tells inspiring stories about the difference the right to a healthy environment is making in people's lives.

    For more information:

    Wildlife & Conservation Student Conference, 26 May 2012

    Date: 26 May 2012
    Venue: Beijing, China

    The Conservation Action and Theory Society of the Wildlife Institute (WI CATS) is organizing the first annual Wildlife & Conservation Student Conference at Beijing Forestry University on Saturday, May 26th. This event aims to raise awareness about conservation among Chinese students and provide a forum for young researchers to divulgate their findings on related topics. This conference will be the opportunity to bring together and share the latest research on wildlife conservation, including applied ecology, zoology, human-wildlife conflicts and community conservation. This initiative will provide a valuable platform for better and efficient communication as well as help young conservation scientists in China to learn new ideas, build professional networks, gain experience in disseminating results of their own research, develop their English presentation skills and approach discussions. An experience that will be valuable for their future careers!

    What is the theme of the conference?
    This year’s conference will focus on “Conservation in China: present and future challenges” and we are interested in receiving proposals addressing this issue. We would like to encourage university students in China (undergraduate and postgraduate) to participate by making a 15-minute presentation, 5-minute speed presentation or creating a poster.

    Who will attend?
    The conference expects to attract approximately 200 people, including students in Beijing, university staff, staff from conservation organizations and individuals interested in the topics discussed. The conference will be held over 1 day and will offer student presentations across one morning and one afternoon session. We will also have a guest speaker who will give a talk for 30 minutes before the closing of the conference. Awards will be given to the best speaker and the best poster. In addition a range of short activities and interactive discussions will take place throughout the event.

    For more information:

    Sunday, March 11, 2012

    New Book: A Dictionary of Climate Change and the Environment: Economics, Science and Policy


    A Dictionary of Climate Change and the Environment: Economics, Science and Policy By R. Quentin Grafton, Harry W Nelson and Ross Lambie
    Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd
    Published: 01 March 2012
    Format: Hardback 496 pages
    ISBN 13: 9781849803878
    ISBN 10: 1849803870
    A Dictionary of Climate Change and the Environment bridges the gap between the many disciplines encompassing climate change, environmental economics, environmental sciences, and environmental studies.
    It defines a comprehensive set of over 3700 words used across these fields to help policy makers, students, and professionals achieve a holistic view of environmental issues. The Dictionary also features: introductory primers to major topic areas; recommended reading for particular topics and specific words or concepts; and seven appendices, including a catalog of scientific symbols, units, and conversions, as well as an expansive listing and description of selected environmental treaties. The extensive and accessible nature of the content renders this book an indispensible reference for practitioners requiring an informed and balanced description of key concepts and issues.
    This resource will be extremely valuable to policymakers and professionals working on climate change and other environmental issues, and to postgraduate and undergraduate students in climate change and environmental studies, as well as to academics and other practitioners working on multidisciplinary environmental issues outside their areas of expertise.

    2012 International Conference on Environment, Energy and Biotechnology, May 5-6, 2012

    2012 International Conference on Environment, Energy and Biotechnology
    ICEEB 2012
    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. May 5-6, 2012

    General Information
    The aim of the ICEEB conference series is to provide a forum for laying the foundations of a new principled approach to Environment, Energy and Biotechnology. To this end, the meeting aims to attract participants with different backgrounds, to foster cross-pollination between different research fields, and to expose and discuss innovative theories, frameworks, methodologies, tools, and applications.

    The ICEEB 2012 is sponsored by Asia-Pacific Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Society (APCBEES). Submitted conference papers will be reviewed by technical committees of the Conference.
    Web address:
    Sponsored by: CBEES

    Saturday, March 10, 2012

    The 3rd IWA-RWHM International Conference, 20 to 24 May 2012


    The 3rd IWA Rainwater Harvesting Management International Conference will take place in Gyeongnam, Goseong County, Republic of Korea, from May 20 to 24, 2012.

    The Seoul National University Rainwater Research Center, in collaboration with Goseong-Gun, is organizing the 3rd IWA Rainwater Harvesting Management International conference between 20 to 24 May, 2011 during the world Dinosaur Expo 2012. 


    As a climate change adaptation countermeasure, a new paradigm of watershed rainwater management is gaining interest. From the lessons that Dinosaurs or some ancient civilization extinct, because of the failure of adaptation to climate and environment change, current civilization should learn how to prepare the social system to adapt climate change for sustainable life.

    The themes of this conference include the wisdom of old civilization, scientific and engineering aspect of rainwater management, communication and education of rainwater and environment. The final goal of the rainwater management will be making Rain Cities, in which all the stakeholders understand the importance of rainwater and make the social system by regulation to collect and utilize rainwater.

    We believe that this conference will provide great occasions for experts in Rainwater Harvesting and Management including governments, academics, utilities and industries to gather together for making beneficial presentations and discussions in various fields in a timely manner and actively communicating with the various parties concerned. There will be presentations, poster sessions and workshops.?

    Through the promotion of RWHM, we expect to realize Rainwater Revolution in the Cities, from Drain City to Rain City for energy and resource saving and as a tool for climate change adaptation.

    Call for papers: The 2012 Conference on Sustainable Business in Asia (COSA 2012), November 1-3, 2012

    COSA 2012 will be held at the Landmark Bangkok Hotel

    Bangkok, Thailand
    November 1-3, 2012

    The 2012 Conference on Sustainable Business in Asia »

    'The greatest leverage points of change are in the developing countries of Asia. Designing infrastructure, products, enterprises and processes with sustainability in mind can have an enormous impact on environmental and social systems. The 2012 Conference on Sustainable Business in Asia (COSA 2012) held in Bangkok, Thailand, offers a platform for scholarly and applied conversations among a wide variety of stakeholders concerned with the continual challenge of advancing the sustainable business agenda: people, planet, profit.'

    The Conference on Sustainable Business in Asia welcomes submissions on the following themes:
    • Agribusiness in Asia
    • Carbon trading
    • Carbon emission measurement and reduction
    • Ecopreneurship and clean-tech venturing
    • Corporate social responsibility
    • Disposal & recycle of e-Waste
    • Ecological economics
    • Environmental and natural resource economics
    • Energy policy
    • Environmental law
    • Ethical consumerism
    • Sustainable Design
    • Sustainable Development
    • Green IT
    • Greenwashing
    • Life cycle assessment
    • Microcredit & solidarity lending
    • Operations management
    • Packaging & waste reduction
    • Renewable energy
    • Resource efficiency in developing countries
    • Social entrepreneurship
    • Sustainability in the built environment
    • Sustainable livelihoods in developing countries    
    • Green marketing
    • The business of sustainable fishing
    • The digital divide in Asia
    • Tourism (eco, geo, sustainable)           
    • Urban planning
    • Water footprints: blue, green and grey

    Deadline for submission: May 1st, 2012


    Friday, March 9, 2012

    GARC Public Forum on Waste Charging


    Jointly organized by Governance in Asia Research Centre, CityU and SynergyNet
    Public Policy Roundtable Series 9 
           Waste Charging: How to Make It Work

    公共政策圓系列 (九)  如何落實廢物收費制度

    Date:  1stApril 2012 (Sunday)
    Time:  2:00 - 6:00 pm
    Place: Connie Lee Multi-media Conference Room, 4/F,
    Cheng Yick-chi Building, City University of Hong Kong (MAP)
    Language: Chinese and English (Cantonese-English Simultaneous Interpretation provided)