Thursday, August 1, 2013

Events: First International Conference on Global Food Security 29 Sep - 2 Oct 2013


First International Conference on Global Food Security

The First International Conference on Global Food Security aims to explore the economic, social, biophysical, technological and institutional drivers of current and future global food security. The topics list includes, inter alia: enabling trade and market policies for local and global food security; sustainable intensification of food production systems; novel ways of feeding 9 billion; land sparing, land sharing and trade-offs; agricultural production as feedstock for renewables; lost harvest and wasted food; nutritional security; and labelling, certifying and striving for quality and sustainability of food production. 

dates: 29 September - 2 October 2013   
location: Noordwijk, Netherlands   

Events: International Symposium on Sustainable Cities: Empowering Local Governments through Capacity Building organized by UNOSD on 26-28 Sep 2013


International Symposium on Sustainable Cities: Empowering Local Governments through Capacity Building

The UN Office for Sustainable Development (UNOSD) will host this international symposium to strengthen dissemination and sharing of good practices and lessons learned on fostering sustainable cities, in recognition of the role of cities in protecting the environment, improving disaster risk reduction (DRR) and resilience and reducing poverty. The symposium aims to identify strategies to strengthen local government institutional and technical capacity to address poverty reduction and slum upgrading, urban development, urban economic growth, urban transport and water and sanitation. The symposium also aims to identify areas for further capacity building and knowledge sharing and to identify innovative financing models to support urban infrastructure. The event will bring together representatives of governments, including and local government and planning officials, UN agencies, multilateral and regional development banks, the private sector and civil society in plenary sessions, working group sessions and panel discussions. The symposium is planned to overlap with the ‘Incheon Sister and Friendly Cities Conference,' which will be held in Incheon on 28 September 2013, and include mayors from cities around the world. The two events will have a joint closing session that will discuss advancing and implementing the sustainable urbanization agenda.

dates: 26-28 September 2013   
venue: Convention Center, SongdoDong   
location: Incheon, Republic of Korea   

For more information: 

Events: GREENHOUSE 2013: The Science of Climate Change organized by Australian and New Zealand on 8-11 Oct 2013


Adelaide Convention Centre

Tuesday 8th – Friday 11th October, 2013

GREENHOUSE 2013: A joint Australian - New Zealand event
The latest in climate change science, communication and policy from leading presenters from Australia and around the world.
GREENHOUSE 2013 will feature briefings on the contents of the IPCC 5th Assessment Report. The Working Group 1 (science) Summary for Policymakers will be released shortly before our conference.
  • Atmosphere, oceans, biosphere and the land
  • Climate modelling and projections
  • Climate variability and extreme events
  • Impacts, adaptation and mitigation
  • Communication and policy
GREENHOUSE 2013 is designed for researchers, representatives from all tiers of government, industry and NGOs.

The conference will feature a dedicated stream for representatives from Australian Natural Resource Management regions.

GREENHOUSE 2013 follows the successful GREENHOUSE 2011 conference in Cairns, GREENHOUSE 2009 in Perth, GREENHOUSE 2007 in Sydney, and GREENHOUSE 2005 in Melbourne. More information about previous conferences is available here.

For more information: