Monday, May 14, 2012

Second Asia-Europe Forum on Methods and Perspectives of Risk Analysis

Following the success of the first Asia-Europe Risk Forum in 2011, the second annual Asia-Europe Forum on Methods and Perspectives of Risk Analysis will take place in Hong Kong on 8-10 November 2012.

The Forum is organized by the Hong Kong Advanced Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Studies at City University of Hong Kong with support from the Institute of East Asian Studies (IN-EAST) of the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, in association with its Research Training Group on “Risk and East Asia”.

The Asia-Europe Forum on Methods and Perspectives of Risk Analysis serves as a venue to bring together Asian and European scholars from a range of disciplines to discuss their methods and perspectives, while the forum is also open to participants from other regions and seeks to engage practitioners of risk analysis and management working in public policy, law or business.

The conference will focus on two related sets of issues, under the broad framework of risk-related aspects of large-scale public science-, technology- and engineering-related issues and projects

8-9 November:
We welcome papers concerned with (i) the technical evaluation of risk and strategies to manage it in such areas as water supply and water pollution, air quality and air pollution, large-scale public engineering projects, mass transport systems, the civil use of nuclear power, etc. (ii) the official communication and management of risk, public education, and related issues such as transparency, independent monitoring and evaluation, and levels of public trust and confidence. Papers with a particular focus on risk and disaster management in cities are particularly welcome.

10 November:
The final day of the conference will focus entirely on the risk environment in Hong Kong. Papers are welcomed on all aspects mentioned in the paragraph above, and may also extend to border issues, the role of the media and of non-governmental organizations and independent bodies, agenda setting ‘think-pieces’ and proposals for policy change, codes of practice, or legislative reform. One session will take the form of a round table, with local and international experts. We intend that the whole of the final day will take place in a public setting outside the University (location currently under discussion), and will be jointly hosted by local partners.

We are pleased to offer accommodation and meals for all participants whose papers are accepted for the forum. In addition, the following financial assistance towards participants’ travel costs will also be provided: up to 500 Euros for those travelling from outside East and South East Asia, 200 Euros from within East Asia and South East Asia (excluding mainland China, Taiwan, Macau and Hong Kong), and 100 Euros for those travelling from within mainland China and Taiwan.

Those interested in making a presentation should please send an email with the proposed title, together with an abstract (ca. 200 words) and short bio (ca. 50 words) to the email address below by 15 June, 2012.

Hong Kong Advanced Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Studies, City University of Hong Kong,

For more information:


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