Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Carbon Footprints of Products to Promote Sustainable Operations and Energy Management Seminar, June 15, 2012, Taiwan

Carbon Footprints of Products to Promote Sustainable Operations and Energy Management Seminar

Date: June 15, 2012
Location: Delta Electronics Inc., R&DBuilding, International Conference Hall, Taiwan

Sponsor: SGS Taiwan Limited
Co-Sponsor: Industrial Sustainable DevelopmentCenter, NationalCheng-KungUniversity

“Low Carbon Economy” has arrived and industries around the world has followed suit to lower its carbon footprint. Big multinational companies have also required its supply chain and manufacturers to conduct greenhouse gas inspections, inspections of the carbon footprint of products, or disclose the carbon footprint information of the products. Since ISO 14064-1 tests for greenhouse gases, products’ carbon footprint and such disclosure has become an important issue. In addition to the conversion of PAS2050 to ISO 14067 topic, the seminar will also discuss key areas to be aware of during such conversion and to help industries expand from greenhouse gas inspections to products’ carbon footprint, and transition to resource management and development. This will promote CSR in companies with sustainable development as the goal and increase international competitiveness.

Event Link: http://b10c10.web.ncku.edu.tw/files/16-1155-92749.php


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