Monday, August 27, 2012

S. Korean Updates: Enhancing management performance by controlling environmental information

Enhancing management performance by controlling environmental information
Published Date: 2012.08.23

MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT REPUBLIC OF KOREAKorea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI) under the Ministry of Environment reported on the 22nd that the institute is providing consulting program to the small and medium-sized enterprises which are obliged to disclose their environmental data, according to the extended enforcement of Environmental Management Information System (EMIS).

In the year 2011 when the system was conducted on a trial basis, green companies were target for the system. In September 2012 the system will begin in earnest, extending the scope of target to about 1,100 environmentally sensitive businesses and public organizations. The companies and organizations that are subject to information disclosure should register the data via EMIS ( by the end of September. Among the participants, there are 75 small and medium-sized enterprises. Unlike the major companies, small and medium-sized companies are having difficulties in disclosing the information due to insufficient environment management system and restricted manpower and budget.

KEITI is starting with consulting 35 companies (about 50%) for them to establish EMIS and register information. Entire procedures including extraction of essential environmental information, listing information for disclosure and entering environmental information in the system will be supported under the consultation program. Education will be also provided to the companies for continuous improvement.

Considering the analysis on trial implementation of EMIS in 2011, KEITI expects the consulting program to contribute in enhancing the management performance of participating companies.
Based on the fact that 70% of consultees are manufacturing companies using natural resources such as metal, cement and paper, it is also anticipated that efficiency of resources management and economic feasibility will be promoted through systematic management. As an example, Kumho Mitsui Chemicals reduced the basic unit of the water usage by 28% by recycling the waste water discharged from manufacturing process and improving efficiencies of water management facility.

Through environmental information disclosure and verification, KEITI is planning to settle EMIS by raising the reliability of registered information and expanding the communication between the companies, stakeholders and the public.



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