Wednesday, February 15, 2012

2012 AECEN Regional Forum from 28-30 March 2012

Date: 28 Mar 2012 - 30 Mar 2012
Location: The Conrad Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand

Sponsors: Asian Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Network; United States Agency for International Development; Institute for Global Environmental Strategies; Thailand Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment; Pollution Control Department; Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning

– 2012 AECEN Regional Forum –
Climate Change and Environmental Compliance in Asia:
Identifying Opportunities for Sharing Best Practices
The Asian Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Network (AECEN), a regional practitioner network dedicated to sharing improved policies and practices on compliance and enforcement in Asia, organizes a regional forum regularly to report on activity results, conduct regional training, transfer of knowledge and experience among members, and plan new activities. An overarching objective of all AECEN forums is to develop or improve effective strategies in national and regional replication of innovative approaches in environmental compliance and enforcement in Asia. The forum also affords members an opportunity to collaborate and learn from other international enforcement networks and development partners. To support and encourage improved opportunities for women in environmental compliance and enforcement, AECEN presents the AECEN Award for Outstanding Service and Commitment by a Woman at the forum.

Program Objectives
On 28-30 March 2012, the AECEN will convene its 2012 Regional Forum in Bangkok, Thailand hosted by the Thailand Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE). The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) will provide principal funding support for the forum with assistance from the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), the AECEN Secretariat from 2012.The primary objectives of the regional event are as follows:
  1. Share best practices and build practitioner capacity on climate change and environmental compliance and enforcement in Asia;
  2. Showcase innovative environmental compliance and enforcement policies and programs in Thailand which deliver climate change benefits;
  3. Identify and strengthen effective strategies in national and regional replication of innovative approaches in environmental compliance and climate change in Asia;
  4. Discuss a regional input to the Rio+20 event in Brazil in 2012;
  5. Share results and network accomplishments for the year; and,
  6. Present the 2011 Award for Outstanding Service and Commitment by a Woman.
For more information:


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