Thursday, January 12, 2012

Call for Papers for the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis Special Issue: ‘Domestic and Intra-nations Environmental Policies: Comparative Approaches’

Call for Papers for the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis Special Issue

With globalization and the continued proliferation of international agreements and organizations (both governmental and non-governmental), the lines between
domestic and international policy processes are increasingly blurred. This is particularly visible in the domain of environmental policies. Domestic policy actors appeal to international venues to affect policy change; transnational organizations shape problem definitions and solutions that are implemented through domestic legislation; domestic bureaucracies engage in international forums, learning how to implement internationally based policies or shaping how other countries implement those policies. This workshop/symposium builds on the growing scholarship that bridges the divide between two strands of political science:international relations and public policy processes.

Abstract Deadline: Feb 15, 2012
Notification of accepted proposals: March 15, 2012
Draft Paper Deadline: May 15, 2012
Workshop Date and Venue: June 12–13, 2012
School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Sydney

For more details:


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