Thursday, December 22, 2011

New Book: Protecting the Global Environment by By Gary C Bryner

Protecting the Global Environment

Protecting the Global Environment by By Gary C Bryner

  • Publisher: Paradigm Publishers
  • Published: 01 August 2011
  • Format: Paperback 203 pages
  • ISBN 13: 9781594516757 ISBN 10: 1594516758
  • Description

    Gary Bryner's brief, readable, capstone book:

    • Features a forward by Mark A. Boyer

    • Outlines the major environmental challenges facing the world today

    • Applies international relations theory to these challenges

    • Covers such key topics as development, sustainability, and market capitalism

    • Offers a social justice perspective to environmental problems and solutions

    Borne of an amalgam of social science, fieldwork, and a passionate commitment to justice, this book brings debates about climate change to a new level, compelling readers and researchers to rethink the reasons for reversing global environmental trends. The book lays out three inspirations for improving environmental prospects: effective markets, sustainable development, and environmental justice for the most vulnerable. It also projects three possible scenarios flowing from the success or failure of these inspirations—one bleak, one breakthrough, and one of status quo. Gary Bryner is not sanguine about humanity’s ability to make the right choices, but this does not deter him from asking us to think beyond our own generation and our own species in urging environmental action now.


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