Friday, September 23, 2011

Conference on Urban Age to be held in Hong Kong on 16-17 Nov 2011

The "CITIES, HEALTH AND WELL-BEING URBAN AGE CONFERENCE" will be Organised by the London School of Economics and Deutsche Bank’s Alfred Herrhausen Society in partnership with the University of Hong Kong druing16-17 November 2011. 

"Cities are critical sites for both enquiry and action in relation to health and well-being. With up to 70 per cent of the world’s population concentrated in urban areas by 2050, global well-being will increasingly be determined by the health of urban dwellers. To date, urbanisation has been associated with improvements in income levels and health outcomes. At the same time, the pressures of urban growth – reflected by increased levels of density, overcrowding, informal development and lack of services - have contributed to the emergence of stark social and health inequalities in cities of the developed and developing world.
The 10th Urban Age conference in Hong Kong will explore the relationships between the design of the built environment, health and well-being in cities with a particular focus on how urban density affects the experiences of different population groups – including fragile communities of the young, the elderly and migrants. These questions are particularly important at a time when the economic and environmental benefits of urban density, such as innovative capacity and resource and carbon efficiency, provide a strong momentum for related urban policy and practice, while important social issues such as health and well-being are given little attention."

More about the Conference:
Conference Brief



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